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Can You Bring Protein Powder On A Plane? TSA Rules 2023

It isn’t easy to travel while being healthy and on track with your nutrition. It’s even more difficult when you’re attempting to keep track of your supplement usage. You don’t want to throw your protein powder routine out the window simply because you’re on the trip.

Many people question if they can carry protein powder on a plane and if TSA would have any problems.

So, in this article, I’ll try to clear up any misunderstandings.

I’ll provide you some clarification on TSA guidelines for bringing protein on an aircraft, as well as some handy hints to make your airport experience go as smoothly as possible. In this article you find answer of Hope you get the answer of Can You Bring Protein Powder On A Plane.

Can You Bring Protein Powder On A Plane?

Protein powder can be brought on an aircraft in carry-on or checked baggage. If you’re getting it as a carry-on, you’ll need to put it in a separate bin for X-ray screening if it’s more than 12 ounces.

Also, because the powder may be subject to additional TSA inspection, you should include it in your checked luggage to avoid security delays.

TSA Rules & Regulations

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has a lot of restrictions concerning what you can and can’t bring on a plane, and keeping up with them can be difficult. TSA allows the passenger to carry protein powder in carry-on and checked luggage.

Here is the official guideline. 

“If you would like to bring more than 12 oz (about the size of a soda can) of protein powder in a carry-on, however, you must place it in a separate bin for X-ray screening, just like you would do for a laptop. The TSA warns that they may require additional screening and that containers may need to be opened. They, therefore, recommend that you place containers with more than 12 oz of protein powder in a checked bag.” 

Can You Bring Protein Powder On A Plane

Bringing Protein Powder In Carry-On Luggage

Protein powder can be brought in carry-on luggage; however, the TSA powders rule applies. If you have protein powder in containers larger than 12 oz, you must remove it from your bag for further screening at security.

When passing through the x-ray scanner, keep your protein powder in a separate tray. As though you were using a laptop.

To inspect your protein powder, TSA inspectors may need to open your container to check your protein powder. Protein powders are permitted in carry-on luggage; however, the TSA requests that you remove them from your bag to avoid slowing down the line. Transferring your protein powder to a travel-size bottle can be a good idea. If you have less than 12 oz of powder in your carry-on, you do not need to remove it.

If you want to package your protein powder in individual packets, go ahead. Ziplock baggies are widely used.

You can bring as much protein powder as you like in your hand luggage. 

When passing through the security checkpoint, remove any larger container than 12 ounces from your carry-on. You have the option of bringing many containers. Protein powders can be packed in hold luggage if you are concerned about delays at the security checkpoint or don’t want to deal with the trouble.

Bringing Protein Powder In Checked Luggage

Whey protein is allowed in checked luggage with no limitations.

Keep in mind that there’s a chance your checked luggage can be delayed, or worse, lost. It’s also possible that your protein powder or vitamins will be taken from your carry-on luggage.

A massive container of protein powder isn’t inexpensive, and a shady security agent or baggage handler could take advantage of the situation. In addition, most airlines charge a cost for checked baggage. If you can fly with only your carry-on luggage, you may be able to save money.

Additional Screening

The possibility of further screening is a significant risk with getting protein powder through airport security.

Powdered explosives and drugs are common, which is one of the key reasons why TSA inspects powders more closely.

Your protein powder would be taken to a different station, where a TSA inspector would open the container and inspect the powder. They might even take a teeny-tiny sample for testing.

When conducting this form of testing, it is occasionally necessary to have a supervisor present. If that supervisor is unavailable, you may have to wait a while to finish your protein powder. It’s pretty common to wait for an extra 15 to 20 minutes. 

If you’re running out of time to go to the airport, this could be a problem.

However, in most cases, you should be in and out in a matter of minutes.

How To Take A Protein Powder On A Plane

You won’t have to worry about confiscated protein powder or getting in trouble for bringing it because it’s authorized. However, you may want to consider how you will transfer it to limit your chances of receiving additional screening.

There are several options for transporting protein powder, some of which are better than others.

Wrapping rectangular chunks of white protein powder with duct tape and securing them in a fake bottom in your black duffel bag (along with your cash) is perhaps not the best solution.

I’ll start with some suggestions for packing protein powder as a carry-on, then move on to personal items and checked baggage.

Original Packaging

A TSA officer is less likely to question your protein powder if you keep it in its original package.

On the other hand, protein powder can come in huge quantities that can be tough to store in your carry-on and inconvenient to transport. You may always buy a tiny container of protein powder that you only use for traveling to make things easier.

You may also buy those small individual protein packs and bring them with you.

Ziploc Bag

Another alternative is to put your protein powder in a Ziploc bag to make transporting smaller amounts easier.

Some people combine all the protein into one colossal bag, while others divide it into smaller bags (for each serving).

If you’re concerned about being interrogated, you could permanently attach a label to the bag. It’s possible that simply writing “protein” on the bag will suffice.

You might think that putting your unlabeled powdery material in a Ziploc bag is a poor idea, yet many travellers accept protein in plastic bags without additional screening.

Shaker Bottle

Put your protein powder bag in your shaker bottle if you want to convey a message to TSA that you’re just a fitness fanatic traveling with your protein powder.

Some agents may grant you a pass because they can more easily establish the connection between your powder and a workout supplement.

Different Forms Of Protein Powder

Casein, whey, egg, isolates, pea, and other types of protein powder should all be treated the same way.

Some people choose to bring dark-colored protein powder, such as chocolate-flavored protein powder. This form of protein powder is thought to look (and smell) less like narcotics or explosives.

When a TSA agent smells coco, they may be less likely to subject you to the rigors of chemical testing.

Protein Shakes

Getting past airport security with a protein drink is a very different scenario. Your protein will be subject to the liquids rule whether you make your protein shake in a shaker bottle or buy liquid protein in a bottle.

This means you’ll need to pack your protein shake into a 3.4-ounce container and seal it in a clear plastic bag. So you can bring a liquid protein shake through airport security, but it will be a minimal amount, and protein shakes typically take up more volume than that.

Protein Gels

If you have a pack with a protein gel, it will be regarded as a liquid and hence be subject to the liquids rule.

This implies they should be kept together with your other liquids in a single quart-sized bag. You can probably bring anything as long as it fits in that bag and weighs less than 3.4 ounces, although you may encounter some opposition.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Should I put my protein powder in my checked baggage?

A. No, You don’t want to deal with additional TSA screening by putting your protein powder in your checked baggage. If you’re caught carrying more than 12 ounces of protein, you should consider checking it.

Q. Can I bring protein powder on an international flight?

A. When flying overseas, you can bring protein powder to many countries. However, a country may ban a specific type of supplement on occasion, so it’s advisable to do some research on that country before you leave.

Q. Can I bring my protein powder in a Ziploc bag?

A. Yes, many people bring protein powder in a Ziploc bag through airport security. To reduce the chances of obtaining additional screening, write “protein powder” on your bag’s label.

Q. Can I bring my protein in my shaker bottle?

A. Yes, it is better to place protein in a bag first and then insert the bag into your shaker bottle to avoid spilling.

Q. Can I bring protein powder on an international flight?

A. When flying overseas, you can bring protein powder to many countries. However, a government may ban a specific type of supplement occasionally, so it’s advisable to do some research on that country before you leave.


Powdered protein is allowed in both carry-on and checked luggage. Remove it from the carry-on and place it in a separate tray for x-ray screening if the container is above 12 oz. Hope you get the answer of Can You Bring Protein Powder On A Plane.

Powder compounds that cannot be identified may be denied entry at the security checkpoint.

The TSA employee who inspects your luggage always decides what can and can’t be brought on board.

Passengers flying with protein powders, especially in clear zip-lock baggies, should be very familiar with TSA passengers.

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