Tour Guide

Exploring Naka Cave: An Adventure in Thailand

Naka Cave is one of the newly discovered caves in Phu Langa National Park, Thailand. This cave has attracted everyone’s attention because of an infinite number of mysterious myths and legends. Naka Cave is located in Phu Langa National Park, 70km north of Chiang Rai, the nearest city. The cave is about 1 km long and 300 to 500m wide, with a total depth of approximately 50 meters. It is accessible by foot via a 2 km trail from the main road near Tham Lod lake. The trail begins at the overlook known as “Khaoyek Krai” (Phu Langa National Park’s entrance).

Every year, new parts of the cave are discovered which fuel more stories to be told.

A certain part of the cave has been sealed off due to an alleged bad omen that took place in 2008, when a snake was supposedly spotted there. The cave is used for meditation purposes and many Thai Buddhists visit it during the rainy season.

Every year, people who meditate in the cave claim to see the spirit of Tham Yai, which is believed to be a guardian of the shelter.

The spirit’s appearance is described as a huge serpent with piles of rocks on its head.

It is said that every time people are about to exit the cave, Tham Yai will try to scare them away by roaring and moving rocks, although no one has ever been harmed by it. The legend also states that anyone who visits Naka after seeing Tham Yai will never see him again for the rest of their lives which makes everyone scared of going parts of the cave are discovered which fuel more stories to be told. Naka Cave has many legends associated with it.

Where is Naka Cave Thailand & How To Get There?

Naka Cave

If you are interested in caving, then you might want to know more about Naka Cave. You may find this blog post very informative. 

Naka Cave is located in the mountainous region of Thailand. It is situated near the city of Tak, which is about 5 hours from Bangkok by car if you take the expressway. If not, it could take up to 10 hours to get there. The cave has three major parts: the entrance chamber, the lower passage, and the upper passage. These passages contain beautiful formations made out of limestone rock including stalactites and stalagmites. Some people may want to come see these amazing sights for themselves, but keep in mind that tours are only available during high season (November-April).

The cave itself is a two-hour hike from the main road and is estimated to have been created due to seismic activity. Inside, crystal clear water can be seen throughout the whole cavern which is home to stalagmites and stalactites alike. The river itself has many bends and curves throughout its course which does not seem to have any dead ends.

Naka Cave is a popular tourist destination in Thailand. Located near the town of Nakhon Nayok, it is a one-day trip from Bangkok. The cave has been open to tourists for over 30 years and is a popular spot for those who enjoy exploring caves. It’s said that the cave was discovered by two brothers who were looking for bamboo shoots to eat. 

Near the mouth of the cave, there are several Buddhist shrines with statues of Buddha, as well as some Hindu ones. The stalactites and stalagmites found inside make this an interesting and beautiful destination to visit.

Naka Cave is a limestone cave in Thailand. It can be difficult to find on Google Maps, but it’s worth the hunt. Naka Cave was discovered by British adventurer and explorer, George Chisholm, in 1881. The cave is also called “the most impressive karst feature of south Thailand.” 

The cave has a series of underground passages and caverns with calcite formations and stalactites. The whole area is about 1 kilometer long, so you can explore for hours! Bring a flashlight or a headlamp if you want to see the amazing detail in the dark.

Naka Cave is located in the southern part of Thailand, about 25 km east of Pattaya. It takes about 30 minutes to reach the cave by car from Pattaya. The cave is mostly dry and is used as a refuge for animals. There are some small waterfalls inside the caves that flow year round. 

Naka Cave offers many tours that include hiking, swimming, rafting, kayaking, rock climbing and rappelling. People can also visit Naka Cave Thailand on their own by renting motorbikes at the entrance of the cave.

Preparing for the Adventure

Essential Stuff to Bring:

  • Lights: Don’t forget flashlights or headlamps. You don’t want to be stumbling around in the dark!
  • Hydration and Snacks: Keep yourself fueled up with water and snacks. Exploring caves can work up an appetite.
  • First Aid Kit: Better safe than sorry. Pack some band-aids, pain relievers, and other basics, just in case.
  • Navigation Gear: A map or GPS can be a lifesaver if you get turned around in the cave.
  • Protective Gear: Gloves, knee pads, and a helmet can save you from bumps and scrapes.
  • Camera or Phone: Capture the memories, but be careful not to drop it on any rocks!

Safety Tips and Gear Recommendations:

  • Buddy System: Stick together! Always explore caves with a buddy or a group.
  • Let Someone Know: Tell a friend or family member where you’re going and when you plan to be back.
  • Stay on Track: Follow the marked paths and avoid wandering off. No one wants to get lost underground!
  • Watch Your Step: Rocks can be slippery, so be careful where you step.
  • Respect Nature: Keep your distance from any critters you encounter and leave the cave as you found it.
  • Emergency Contact: Bring a phone or radio for emergencies, but don’t rely on it too much – signal can be iffy underground.
  • Keep Calm: If things get hairy, take a deep breath and stay cool. Panicking won’t help anyone.

Clothes and Shoes:

  • Footwear: Wear sturdy shoes or boots with good grip. You’ll thank yourself later.
  • Comfy Clothes: Dress in layers and wear stuff you can move around in easily.
  • Stay Dry: Bring a waterproof jacket and pants in case things get drippy.

The Phu Langka National Park

Phu Langka is the newest addition to Thailand’s National Park system. Located in the center of Phuket, Phu Langka is home to many indigenous species of flora and fauna including the long-tailed monkey, king cobra, and leopard cat. The best way to experience these animals is by trekking through the jungle with one of our expert guides. Trekking through Phu Langka will also give you a chance to see many different types of plants native to this area – some of which are dying out due to deforestation. So what are you waiting for? Head on over to Phu Langka today!

Phu Langka is one of the most beautiful national parks in Thailand. Located on the Thai-Malaysian border, it’s home to over 300 different species of plants and jungle mammals like elephants, gibbons, and tigers. This park is Thailand’s 7th largest with an area of 912 square kilometers. It protects the watershed for Malaysia’s Pahang River and is home to some of the last remaining forests in southern Thailand.

Phu Langka is also part of a project to protect the world’s second-longest coastline, which covers more than 8% of Earth’s surface. The park has three major sections: The Coastal Zone, The Mountainous Zone, And The “Sacred Forest”. To explore one section after another takes at least two days. There are a number of things you can do while exploring this beautiful national park such as hiking or bird watching.

Phu Langka National Park is a national park in Sisaket Province, Thailand. With the protection of the park’s forest, it becomes possible to protect many animal species that are at risk of extinction. Phu Langka National Park has an area of 960 square kilometers and spans over four districts in Sisaket Province. The park was established on May 25, 1992 to preserve the natural resources of the area for future generations. Read on to learn how you can help preserve Thailand’s national parks with these five easy steps!

The Phu Langka National Park is a significant wildlife habitat in Southeast Asia. It is located in the Cardamom Range, which has been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The park was established to protect endangered animals from poachers and to preserve the area’s biodiversity. The area provides a home to many animals, including leopards, elephants, tigers, and gaur. In addition, it contains a diverse range of plants and trees. Some of these trees are valuable for their timber and medicinal properties. These are some of the important features of this national park.

Giant Snake Scale Stone Found In Naka Cave Thailand


Naka Cave was discovered in the 1970s, and it’s been a popular tourist destination ever since. It’s not just famous because of its natural beautyGiant Snake Scale Stone Found In Naka Cave Thailand — there is something much more interesting in this cave.

In 2014, an Australian reporter and his team came to Thailand to investigate the mystery of Naka Cave. They ended up finding thousands of giant snake scales all over the cave! The snake scales were found in many different colors, but most importantly, they were all authentic. It turns out that when the snakes shed their skin, they left a part of themselves behind.

But what would a huge snake skin be doing in a beautiful cave? That remains a mystery…

The discovery of a giant snake scale stone in Naka Cave, Kanchanaburi Province, Thailand has archaeologists puzzled. The stone is estimated to be 7.6 meters long and 1.5 meters wide. Archaeologists believe that the stone may have been used as an adornment on the neck of a statue of a god or king during ancient times.

The first mention of the stone was by Dr. Seree Pongpanich, an archaeologist who visited the site on Sunday 13th May 2017, with his colleague Mr. Krai Thongthumkaew. He told reporters that he had never seen anything like it before, and that it was obviously not recent, according to Bangkok Post.

This stone, which weighs 5 tons and measures 90 cm long and 30 cm wide, is believed to be the largest snake scale ever found. It was originally discovered by the late Dr. Chalong Kanjanavanich, who was a prominent archaeologist and professor of physical sciences at Suranaree University of Technology in Thailand. He ran an excavation project in Naka Cave Thailand from 1987-1989 and he also took photos of the snake scale stone on the cave floor during his investigation.

The original location of the snake scale stone has not been confirmed by archaeologists since it was moved for safety reasons when the cave entrance collapsed in 2003. Today it’s located near the site where it was originally found. A giant snake scale stone was found in Naka Cave, Thailand by two engineers who were exploring the cave. The stone is thought to have belonged to an ancient serpent that ruled the area. The discovery of this large rock leads experts to believe that the cave may have once been used as a sacrificial spot for tribal rituals. Ancient cultures often did this to pay tribute to their gods or animals they worshiped.

This intriguing discovery unearthed by a group of explorers from the UK and Thailand sheds new light on the country’s mysterious past. After a three-year excavation process, they finally reached the chamber where it was hidden and uncovered something unbelievable: a 1.5 meter high stone sculpture of a snake with scales carved to perfection and eyes made out of gemstones.

This enormous stone carving is believed to be created between 600 and 1000 years ago and it’s one of the most important discoveries in recent Thai history. It has been brought to Thailand’s Golden Triangle Museum near Chiang Rai, where it will be preserved for future generations to come.

The Legend Of Snake Rock In Naka Cave Thailand

If you’ve been to Naka Cave, chances are you have seen a rock formation that looks like a snake. The legend of Snake Rock is said to have come from a time of drought. The people had been without water for days on end and were on the brink of death. In desperation, they called out to the gods for their help and were miraculously granted access to a well full of clear water. All they had to do was cross one thing: Snake Rock.

In order to get across this obstacle, each person had to find a way across it by themselves. Different people did different things-some tried crawling, others tried climbing-but all failed. After some time, a young boy walked up and easily crossed it with ease! He made his way down the other side and yelled back up at them with the words “It’s easy! Just try!”

The people who heard him cried “That’s it!” And they all came down and crossed over easily.

Legends are virtually non-existent in today’s world, but the spirit of legend still lingers in the air. Have you ever heard of The Legend of Snake Rock? It is said that long ago, there was a tribe living near Naka Cave who were so ungrateful to their God. The tribe angered this god so much that he cursed them by turning them into stone. But one day, the goddess Ame-no-Uzume came down to earth and saw the village full of statues.

There was nothing she could do to bring her people back, but she could at least give them a voice again. So every night she would take out her flute and play for all the poor souls. One day, an old monk heard her playing and asked her what was wrong; she explained everything to him and he invited her fish up to his mountain temple with him. It’s said that he transformed all the statues into humans again!

Snake Rock is an old legend that dates back to the 1800s. Legend says that a spirit of a young man who lived in Naka Cave fell in love with a woman, but she refused him because he was too poor. One day, the woman’s father went hunting and left her at home to cook dinner. The young man looked for work and found it chopping wood for the woman’s father. The spirit of the young man saw her from afar and couldn’t stop thinking about her. He chopped all day long without rest, but he only earned enough money to buy one chicken for dinner.

In his anger, he cursed Snake Rock Mountain and said that anyone who passes it would be turned into a snake or rock. When the woman’s father came home from hunting, she had fallen asleep waiting for him and had turned into a rock while dreaming about the young man. The young man was so happy that he woke up from his curse and entered Naka Cave to become a god of the mountain.

Naka Cave is home to a legend about a snake that lives inside the cave called “Snake Rock.” Legend has it that if you put your hand on Snake Rock and shake it, the snake will come out. If you don’t believe this story, try shaking Snake Rock yourself!

The Buddhist Mythology In Naka Cave Thailand

The Buddha was born in India in the 6th Century BC. He traveled the country spreading Vedic knowledge, or Buddhist teachings. Vedic knowledge is one of the oldest religions in the world that still exists today. The Naka Cave is an ancient holy site located in Western India. It is thought to be one of the many places where Gautama Buddha spent time during his life. Here are some interesting facts about this holy site you might not know about.

Buddhist mythology is a type of folklore, which are stories handed down to us through the generations by word of mouth. Buddhist mythology is filled with legendary creatures, gods, and goddesses that have fascinating stories. The Naka Cave is one of the most popular Buddhist myths in Japan. Naka Cave is located in Yamanashi Prefecture, Mount Fuji’s foothills. It’s said that Shaka Nyorai (the historical Buddha) was born at this place and it has been considered an important site for Buddhists for centuries. It’s also said that there are treasures hidden deep within Naka Cave.

This cave contains many paintings on the walls depicting the history of Buddhism in Japan. One painting depicts how Shaka Nyorai was born from his mother’s side. There are also paintings of dragons and other mythical creatures on the walls like unicorns, phoenixes, and tortoises that can live up to 1,000 years old!

Buddhist mythology has been around for millennia. One of the most popular tales is that of Prince Siddhartha, who left his family home to conquer the cycle of death and rebirth. Upon achieving enlightenment, he became known as Buddha, or “enlightened one”. Naka Cave is located in the ancient Buddhist site of Lumbini, Nepal. The story begins with Siddhartha’s wife, Queen Maya Devi giving birth to their son, Rahula. When she went into labor she was so frightened by her husband’s prediction of a son dying before him that she ran away from home and gave birth in a forest grove.

It is said that the Naka Cave Thailand were first discovered by a local hunter who accidentally fell into the mouth of one of the caves. The hunter called out for help, and his cries woke up the ancient spirits inside. After thanking him for freeing them, they walked with him to his village and asked for food. When he refused to give them any, they cursed him and his village with sickness and hard labor.

It was not until an elderly monk came to investigate the cave that the hunter’s family was saved from their curse. The monk led them on a long journey back to their village, during which time he taught them about Buddhism by telling them stories of Buddha’s life (including this one). When they reached their village, it was as if they had never left; all of their crops had withered away, but everything started growing again after hearing these stories. These are some ways that Buddhist mythology has influenced different cultures throughout history.

Safety Tips

Alright, let’s talk safety for exploring caves, especially a cool one like Naka Cave. Here’s what you need to keep in mind to stay safe and have a blast:

1. Stick Together: Don’t go wandering off alone. Always bring a buddy or two along for the ride. It’s more fun that way, anyway!

2. Let Someone Know: Before you head into the cave, shoot a quick message to a friend or family member. Tell them where you’re going and when you expect to be back. Just in case.

3. Stay on the Trail: Don’t go off-roading in the cave. Stick to the marked paths to avoid getting lost or damaging anything.

4. Mind Your Step: Watch out for slippery spots and loose rocks. No need to take any unnecessary tumbles!

5. Light It Up: Bring some good ol’ flashlights or headlamps. You definitely don’t want to be stumbling around in the dark.

6. Stay Hydrated: Pack plenty of water to keep you hydrated. Exploring caves can work up a serious thirst!

7. Keep It Bright: Make sure you’ve got enough light to see what’s around you. Dark corners can hide all sorts of surprises.

8. Dress Smart: Wear comfy clothes and sturdy shoes. You’ll be climbing over rocks and squeezing through tight spots, so dress the part!

9. Respect the Locals: Be cool around any critters you come across. They’re just trying to live their cave life, too.

10. Know the Emergency Plan: Familiarize yourself with what to do in case of an emergency. It’s always good to have a plan.

11. Emergency Contacts: Keep a list of emergency numbers handy, just in case you need to call for help.

12. Keep Calm: If things get hairy, take a deep breath and stay cool. Panicking won’t do you any favors!


Naka Cave is located in Thailand’s Phu Langka National Park, and its name means “snake” in Thai. There’s a reason for this: the cave resembles a massive snake. The scaled skin of a snake appears to be the texture of the stones. Hundreds of publications have been published over the years spreading false information about Naka Cave.

Naga Cave Thailand is significant in Buddhism because snakes are said to be sent by the gods in Buddhist mythology. Snakes have always been seen as guardians or spiritual portals, and they have long been associated with power and strength. Many statues of Buddha seated on a curled-up cobra can be found. As a result, if you ever have the pleasure of visiting the cave, you will find various Buddha-related decorations and paintings inside.

Many people have speculated that the unusual rock patterns are ancient snake fossils. The Titanoboa, the world’s largest snake, has been discovered. The Titanoboa was a Paleocene-era snake that slithered around, believed to be 42 feet long and weighing over 1,000 tonnes. However, while these snakes were enormous, they only got to be around 2 feet broad, so it doesn’t explain the cave.

Hi, I'm Bhavesh Bhati thanks for visiting my blog! I've been traveling and exploring epic locations around the world for the last four years. I'm always looking for real adventures like treks, waterfalls, and Offroading!

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