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Can You Bring Eye Drops On A Plane? TSA Rules

If you’re anything like most people, you most likely stuff your carry-on bag full of necessities like a few snacks and a change of clothes. You might be wondering what you can carry when preparing for a flight. Whether you use eye drops for other purposes or have dry eye syndrome, it’s critical to know what to bring to the TSA security checkpoint.

One of the most important things you might need to pack for a trip is eye drops. Since medications must be packed in accordance with TSA regulations, taking them on a flight is actually one of the main concerns for passengers.

Therefore, if you are getting ready to pack for an upcoming flight, you probably have one concern on your mind: is it possible to bring eye drops on a plane?

Can You Bring Eye Drops On A Plane?

Can You Bring Eye Drops On A Plane in Hand Luggage

The TSA is worried about travelers’ needs, particularly when it comes to prescription drugs. You are allowed to bring eye drops on an aircraft regardless of whether you use them as directed by a medical professional or use them frequently on and off.

Since eye drops are liquid, if you plan to pack them in your cabin bag or hand luggage, you must follow the 3-1-1 rule or the TSA liquid limit.

You may bring tiny packs of eye drops under this guideline, whether the drops are put into tiny containers or are still in their original vials. Just remember that these bottles or containers cannot hold more than 3.4 ounces, or 100 milliliters, in total.

They have to fit inside a little, clear, quart-sized bag that goes in your cabin bag. You should put eye drops in your checked luggage if they weigh more than 3.4 ounces.

TSA Medications Rule

It’s worth noting that the TSA allows passengers to bring “medically necessary liquids” in containers larger than 3.4 ounces in cabin bags. As a result, if you need eye drops for therapeutic reasons, you can use them without violating the 3-1-1 rule. However, there should be a realistic upper limit.

You should think about the following points:

Such liquids must be declared at the security checkpoint. If the TSA officer asks you a question, you must be prepared to answer it.

You can bring your doctor’s letter or prescription with you and present it if necessary. This is usually important on overseas trips, but you can keep it on a domestic flight to be safe.

Such products may also require separate storage in a bin for individual screening. 

This is a significant step performed by the TSA to ensure that the goods are genuine and that no explosive or illegal material is brought on board.

If anything raises an alarm during screening, further verification may be required. Eye drop vials or containers may also need to be unsealed.

It is always at the sole discretion of the TSA officer to decide if they will let you travel with a certain product packed in your suitcase. If it is deemed questionable or dangerous to other passengers, it may be confiscated.

Aside from the foregoing, the TSA’s website provides some instances in which you can bring these liquid substances in larger quantities in hand luggage.

  1. The item will not be located in the airport’s sterile section.
  2. The item is intended for usage during the flight or at the destination. It’s no surprise that it’ll be employed in both places. 
  3. The item will almost certainly not be available at the destination.

So, “medically necessary liquids” became the topic of the day. In fact, aerosols used for medicinal purposes can be transported in quantities greater than 3.4 ounces in a carry-on luggage.

Do Eye Drops Qualify As TSA Liquid?

The TSA considers eye drops to be liquids. If you remember a basic rule, you will be prepared to take such products as directed every time you travel.

Liquid is defined as anything that can be spread, pumped, smeared, squeezed, or sprayed. As a result, eye drops must also follow the 3-1-1 rule for liquids, which was previously addressed.

Some eye drops are available in gel form as well. Unless they are utilized for medicinal reasons, they are subject to the same rules.

Can You Bring Eye Drops On A Plane in Hand Luggage?

The TSA does not prohibit passengers from bringing eye drops in their hand luggage. It’s simply a matter of adhering to the TSA’s 3-1-1 guideline for liquids carried in this luggage, as previously mentioned. Please take care when carrying eye drops. Furthermore, each item should be nicely organized so that everything can be examined smoothly at the checkpoint.

If something appears to be impeding the TSA officer’s view, it may need to be removed for separate screening. If you have already kept it in good condition, you will simply take it out in a flash, eliminating delays.

If you suspect you will require more eye drops during your trip, pack them in your checked luggage. This is because the amount permitted in a carry-on is less than or equal to 100 mL (3.4 oz). Following the TSA’s guidelines will allow you to breeze through the security checkpoint.

You can even pack pain relievers in liquid form, such as Ibuprofen, in your cabin bag.

How Do You Transport Eye Drops That Need to Be Refrigerated?

If you’re taking eye drops that need to be refrigerated, bring an ice pack or a cooler bag with you. Gel ice packs can perform well in certain situations.

However, the fundamental nature of ice is liquid. So, if the ice has melted during TSA screening or there is water present, the ice pack must match the liquid restriction or the 3-1-1 standard. If it remains solid, there will be no problem.

If it is utilized for medical reasons, since ice packs are commonly used as accessories to keep the primary object cool, then you do not need to follow the liquid rule.

Can I Take Eye Drops on a Plane in Checked Luggage?

Absolutely! You may easily include eye drops in your checked luggage. Simply place them in a separate pouch or tiny bag and keep them in your suitcase. This is to ensure that no unintended leaks or spills occur.

Transfers are required for checked luggage. It is up to the handlers whether the contents of the passengers’ baggage remain intact. If your bag falls into the hands of an inattentive handler, it may be thrown abruptly, causing the contents to be damaged. As a result, if the things are carefully packed, the possibility of damage can be avoided.

Does Latanoprost Need to Be Refrigerated?

Glaucoma is a disorder in which the optic nerve of a person is injured, resulting in vision loss. The narrow gaps between cells known as “canals” inside your eye’s fluid-filled chamber known as Schlemm’s canal are one reason that may cause damage. This results in a large number of people with glaucomatous optic neuropathy or open-angle glaucoma (OAG).

Latanoprost must be stored in the refrigerator. The chemical in the drug becomes less effective when exposed to heat for an extended period of time, so put your Latanoprost in the refrigerator and use it straight away, or store it at room temperature up to 25°C (77°F), where it will last around six weeks.

Is Flying With Glaucoma Safe?

If you have glaucoma, you might be wondering if flying is safe for you. The good news is that flying should not aggravate your glaucoma. In fact, the shift in air pressure during takeoff and landing can aid to lower ocular pressure, which is beneficial for persons with glaucoma.

Flying at greater altitudes will not produce any more pressure changes than flying at lower altitudes, therefore there is no need to be concerned about that. It has very little effect on intraocular pressure (IOP).

However, if you’re going to be flying for an extended period of time (more than eight hours), consult your doctor before you go. This is due to the fact that the air in a flight is extremely dry, which can make your glaucoma medicine less effective.

If you have any more concerns about flying while suffering from glaucoma, consult your doctor. They will be able to provide you with specialized counsel depending on your exact condition.


We hope this adequately answers your question, “Can you take eye drops on a plane?” The TSA allows you to bring eye drops in your cabin bag and/or checked luggage. Because eye drops are liquid, the TSA’s 3-1-1 rule applies if you bring them in your cabin bag or carry-on.

However, if you are using eye drops for medical purposes and have been prescribed by your doctor, you are not required to adhere to this restriction. In this instance, it is recommended that you bring the prescription or a doctor’s letter with you, especially if you are flying to a foreign destination.

Eye drops in bottles or containers larger than 3.4 ounces (the carry-on limit) may be carried in your checked bag.


Question 1 :- Can you bring eye drops onto a plane?

Answer :- Yes, eye drops can be transported on an aircraft in either sort of bag. However, in the event of a carry-on luggage, you must adhere to the TSA liquid restriction if you are not traveling for medical reasons. In checked luggage, however, higher quantities are authorized.

Question 2 :- Does the TSA consider ointment a liquid?

Answer :- Yes, ointment is a sticky, gel-like substance that qualifies as a liquid. You must load it in accordance with the 3-1-1 regulation for liquids for carry-on bags. However, if the ointment is used as directed by a medical professional, you are exempt from this law.

Question 3 :- Can I take non-prescription medication on a plane?

Answer :- According to the TSA, you must take prescription medication or a doctor’s letter on overseas flights. However, on internal flights, a prescription may not be required. However, you should keep it on hand just in case.

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